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From Chaos to Cognition: How Data Fluent Brands are Winning

Our extensive new study of 4,000 UK and US brands investigates the relationship between data, brands and growth. The findings are startling.

Top US and UK Brands are losing £14.9bn each year through a lack of data fluency

Profound change is advancing across government, business, and society. It presents significant challenges for brands, communities, and cultures. Intimately linked to this story of change, is data.

For businesses and brands, a rich new world of opportunity has opened where data is simultaneously part of the problem and the solution. Our study shines new light on the powerful impact data fluency has on a brand’s bottom line – and reveals the cost of inaction.

Our study shows that brands mastering data fluency in this era of change are experiencing significant topline growth. They possess decision makers that consistently derive value from technology and data, and they are connecting to audiences by decoding our complex world and encoding their brands precisely where they will deliver sustainable growth.

Data fluent brands create 4X greater purchase intent than disconnected brands. And 76 percent of UK and US brands are currently not achieving data fluency or sustainable growth.

Recognise where your brand is on its data fluency journey

Be the entrepreneurial leader your brand needs to deliver sustainable growth.

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